Nightmare City Halloween 2014

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31 OCTOBER 2014 - 7:00 PM - 12:00AM


Dasha Stapen (Turn Me Into A Vamp - Halloween Edition) - The Voice Of Halloween (Part 1 Introduction)
+ Halloween Sounds Of Horror (1999 cassette)
+ Scary Sounds Of Halloween (K-tel 1991)
Eerie Ambience
Stevo In Yr Stereo - NCH Inno
Nash The Slash (Children Of The Night) - Wolf
Nash The Slash (Children Of The Night) - Children Of The Night
Sam Haynes (Ghost Stories) - Haunts
Cavaverman (Of Wolven Breed) - Werewolves
Michael Hedstrom (Nightmare Chronicle) - The House On The Hill
Sam Haynes (Spine Chillers) - Night Of The Ghouls
Defango (Roots Of Evil) - Back From The Grave
+ Happy Halloween (Weddington 1998)
Ancient Order Of The Droids & Ambidextroux (Halloween City Single) - Halloween City
Dasha Stapen (Turn Me Into A Vamp - Halloween Edition) - Turn Me Into A Vamp
Werewolves In Siberia (Beyond The City Of The Dead) - Showdown With A Ghoul
Dante Tomaselli (Scream In The Dark) - Dark Night Of The Soul
Count Transylvania (Monster Friends) - Monster Friends
Ghoulshow (Monsters Unplugged) - Janglin' Jimmy's Boneyard Jamboree
Skeewiff (Monster Mashup X) - Munsters Get Your Freak On
Beauregarde And The Poppers (Creature Features single) - Creature Features
Monsters (Monsters) - Lie Down In My Coffin
Snakeout (Ghoul's Delight!) - They Come Out Of Their Grave
+ Spooky Sounds (Digimusic 2007)
Aviators (Haunted House And Other Stories) - Haunted House
Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space (Toxic Terror Trax) - G.H.O.U.L.
Killing Kuddles (The Halloween EP) - Monster Mash
+ Screeches, Clanks & Howls (K-tel 1993)
Eerie Ambience
Mastodon (Once More Around The Sun) - Halloween
AtoZ (Monster Mashup X) - Trashing The Monster
Ancient Order Of The Droids (Terrore!) - Vitteme Del Terrore
The Pierces (Thirteen Tales Of Love And Revenge) - Secrets
Governor Grimm And The Ghastly Ghouls (Of Wolven Breed) - My Neighbor Is A Werewolf
Scary Sounds And Fun Songs Of Halloween (Hallmark) - Don't Ring That Bell
Bone Quida Ida (Dope Halloween Fuck) - The Witches
Groovie Ghoulies (Flying Saucer Rock-N-Roll) - Flying Saucer Rock-N-Roll
Hannibal Bateman (A Haunted Journey) - Haunted Catacombs
Gost (Skull) - Cursed
1mpulsive (Monsters Unplugged) - The Undead Organist
DJ Useo (Monster Mashup X) - Ghosts Ghost House
Sam Haynes (Spine Chillers) - A Haunted House Party
+ Sounds Of The Night (Digimusic 2007)
Fernando Garcia Morcillo (El Aullido Del Diablo) - The Wolfman
Murkbox (Pumpkin Guts) - The House That Death Built
+ A Night In A Haunted House (SIYS Mega Mix 2012)
Grox (Halloween Album) - Haunted House
The Pop Project (Ghoul's Delight!) - Give Me Corporate Candy Or Give Me Death
Kevin Schatz (The Halloween EP) - Twice The Candy Means Twice The Fun
Frettdog (Monster Mashup X) - The Haunted Omen
Zombina And The Skeletones (Charnel House Rock) - Mortuary Academy
Eerie Ambience
Tender Bats (Halloween Compilation No. 1: Rituals) - Seance
Blvck Ceiling (Ghost EP) - Ghost
Wussy (Attica!) - Halloween
G4Gorilla (Monster Mashup X) - Corpse Grindin Mash
The Necro Tonz (Are You Dead, Yet?) - I Put A Spell On You
Chad Roberts (Ghoul's Delight!) - Jack-O-Lanterns
Sam Haynes (Ghost Stories) - The Return
Hannibal Bateman (Monsters Unplugged) - Undead Symphony In Zom B Minor
Dante Tomaselli (The Doll) - Halloween
+ Sounds To Haunt Your House (K-tel 1992)
Goblin (Tour 2013 EP) - Suspiria
+ Spook Stuff For Hallowe'en (1960)
Satan's Pilgrims (Creature Feature) - Creature Feature
MPSO (Halloween Compilation No. 2: Gatherings) - Voice in The Night
Werewolves In Siberia (Beyond The City Of The Dead) - Revenge Of The Zombi
Frail Limb Purity (Monster Mashup X) - Black Widow
Brotherhood Of Pagans (Tales Of Vampires) - Halloween
Eerie Ambience
Blue Coupe (Million Miles More) - Hallow's Grave (featuring Alice Cooper)
Future Bible Heroes (Eternal Youth) - I'm A Vampire
The Poppers (Creature Features single) - Myra Vampira
+ A Night In A Haunted House x 5 (Sounds To Make You Shiver - Soma)
+ Halloween Sounds Of Horror (Viderex 1995)
Ancient Order Of The Droids (Terrore!) - Nebbia Malvagia
Project Slime (Of Wolven Breed) - Symphony Of The Beast
The Mysterials (Bomp In The Night) - Halloween (This Is Your Big Scene)
+ The Legendary Pink Dots (The Witching Hour) - The Witching Hour
+ Michael Hedstrom (Black Cat) - Black Cat 3
Alex Lotz (Halloween single) - Halloween
1LLr TH-NU (Halloween) - Sleeeepy Hollow
PeanutButterJones (Halloween) - Halloween
+ Spooky Scary Sounds For Halloween (Martha Stewart Living 2000)
Ghoulshow (Fresh From The Morgue) - The Secret Horror Of Gloomstone Manor
R.E.M. (Where The Pyramid Meets the Eye) - I Walked With A Zombie
Strange Nocturnal (Monsters Unplugged) - Halloween Is Never Really Over
Dasha Stapen (Turn Me Into A Vamp - Halloween Edition) - Voice Of Halloween (Part 2 Finale)
Eerie Ambience
Stevo In Yr Stereo - Outro


DJ Zath - Warp-Radio Network Simulcast
DJ Southside - Radio Promo
Witch Bella - Love & Support


All the Independent Artists and Music Blogs that contributed to the program!!!


artist/group or album title - song/track title

(information in parenthesis which follow artist/group or album title) = album, compilation or soundtrack;
in instances of same name albums, information reflects record label

(information in parenthesis which follow song/track title) = version, mix, date, length or side

All cassettes listed were digitally mastered
+ = played in entirety as eerie ambience background
(x) = excerpt
[] = notes/additinal info

Be sure to tune into Stevo In Yr Stereo Radio on Halloween for
12:00 AM - 6:00 PM (-5 GMT) (All Times Central Daylight Time)

throughout the month of October on
Stevo In Yr Stereo Radio!!!

1-15 October - Nightmare City Halloween Shows Every Night!!!

16-30 October - Nightmare City Halloween Shows Every Day & Night!!!

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Check out friends of NCH for more Halloween fun:

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Mr. Nuclear's NCH 2013 Postcard

Nightmare City Halloween was simulcast on the WARP-Radio Network!

Awesome Radio Spot Courtesy of DJ Southside

NCH 2014 Horrifying Recommendations:

Sam Haynes - Ghost Stories (2014)

(click the image to visit the Sam Haynes website)

Sam Haynes Best Haunted Album Yet!!!

Graveyard Calling Horror Records:

Various Artist - Of Wolven Breed (2014)

(click the image to visit the Graveyard Calling Horror Records Bandcamp page)

Defango - Roots Of Evil (2014)

(click the image to visit the Graveyard Calling Horror Records Bandcamp page)

Werewolves Of Siberia - The City Of The Dead (2014)

(click the image to visit the Graveyard Calling Horror Records Bandcamp page)

Various Artist - Monsters Unplugged (2014)

(click the image to visit the Graveyard Calling Horror Records Bandcamp page)

Great Collection Of Albums From Graveyard Calling Horror Records!!!

Michael Hedstrom - Nightmare Chronicles (2014)

(click the image to visit the Michael Hedstrom website)

Close Your Eyes & Become Immersed In The Haunted Nightmares!!!

Michael Hedstrom - Black Cat (2005)

(click the image to visit the Michael Hedstrom website)

Purrfectly Haunting!!!

Sam Haynes - Spine Chillers (2014)

(click the image to visit the Sam Haynes website)

Another Killer Album From Sam Haynes Just In Time For Halloween!!!

Ancient Order Of The Droids & Ambidextroux - Halloween City (2014)

(click the image to visit the Ancient Order Of The Droids website)

Eerie Annual Halloween Song!!!

Ancient Order Of The Droids - Terrore! (2014)

(click the image to visit the Ancient Order Of The Droids website)

Horror Soundtrack For The Film That Never Was!!!

Dasha Stapen - Turn Me Into A Vamp - Halloween Edition (2014)

(click the image to visit the Dasha Stapen webpage)

Monster Pop Horror!!!

Dante Tomaselli - Scream In The Dark - Halloween Music (2014)

(click the image to visit the Dante Tomaselli website)

Horrorscapes Fantastique!!!

Dante Tomaselli - The Doll (2014)

(click the image to visit the Dante Tomaselli website)

Terrorfying Frightscapes!!!

Count Transylvania - Monster Friends (2014)

(click the image to visit the Count Transylvania website)

Freaky Frightful Fun!!!

Nash The Slash
26 March 1948 - 10 or 11 May 2014

Multi-Instrumentalist Nash The Slash's "Children Of The Night" (1981) album was a Nightmare
City Halloween staple in the early years of the show, featuring such classic macabre tracks as
"Wolf", "Dead Man's Curve", "Children Of The Night" and "Swing Shift (Soixante-Neuf)".

Nightmare City Halloween pays tribute to the loss of Nash The Slash's great talent.

Nash The Slash - Swing Shift (Soixante-Neuf)
1980 - 3:36


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